Global Trends in Life Expectancy

By | March 5, 2015

I looked at the Gapminder World graph that showed the life expectancy vs. children born per women and can’t believe how fast some of the life expectancies grew. Yemen 1950, the life expectancy was 23, 63 years later it grew to 67! The lowest life expectancy as of 2013 was 48 in a country in sub-sahara Africa that I have never heard of called Lesotho. Lesotho in 1950 only had a life expectancy of 38, so there wasn’t much growth over 63 years. After googling Lesotho, I found that in 2009 it was estimated that almost a quarter of the country had AIDS/HIV which may be why their life expectancy is so low. Their economy is based around agriculture, mining and manufacturing and of course diamonds are a hot commodity in the country as well. The diamonds cause violence and conflict which also add to their low life expectancy and don’t result in any economical boost for the country besides the elite. They could fall into the category of two of the traps presented by Collier, which is probably why they haven’t “developed” very much over the years.

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