Who Are You?

By | January 26, 2015

I have told you a little bit about who I am in the About Me(duh) post I submitted prior to this post, but I didn’t mention how I felt about all of it. I work for store 294 and I am a barista/therapist (i.e. involve myself in my customers lives, make sure I’m up to date with their current events, and give advice/listen to their problems.)

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I’m living the dream.

No, I don’t get paid an absurd amount of money. I don’t receive benefits. I don’t have paid vacations. I do however develop relationships with people I never would have imagined. I have become more sensitive and understand of people as a whole. You truly don’t know what some people are hiding behind smiles. Whether it be hardships or an abundance of happiness. Sometimes asking someone how their day is going could slightly improve a good day, or turn the “I have to be polite to the barista” smile in to a true smile. I love what I do.

Category: blogs students

About velascoe

Hey-o! My name is Erica. I am 20 years old and am still in my first year at LCC.  I assistant manage a Biggby store in Ionia. I am also a professional photographer on the side as well as a family restaurant manager, yes, I lead a busy life. Sometimes I funny depending on your sense of humor.