
By | April 21, 2015

It seems in America we all want to see CHANGE. We all want to see this amazing improvement in our economy and see our government get out of debt, roads fixed, our veterans and elderly cared for and so on. Yet, we want this all done with LESS tax…not more. That seems to be the largest political issue discussed – What are you going to do? And HOW are you going to do it? We want there to be a magic wand waving to fix our courtiers finical problems but we also want more for our individual selves.

As I read more about our country compared to similar successful countries such as Europe and Canada…I have began to realize if we want that stability and economic outlook we are going to have to change how we think. Canada’s health care is a prime example. It is successful overall and EVERYONE has health care. I think America has became selfish – each man for themselves. And that is not going to work if we want to see the change and the improvement everyone says.

With that being said couldn’t some of the income inequality in the USA be fixed by creating larger tax for higher income brackets? As we know there are significant income differences the employees of companies and the CEO’s.

We all saw the recent news story that showed the CEO of a company who decided to downgrade his 1 million dollar salary to $70,000 in order to provide the employees all with a raise…in a sense leveling the playing field. However, we cannot expect to see every CEO doing this. This is when the government should likely step in, in the form of taxing. While this isn’t desirable I am at a point where I feel this is coming. I don’t see a way for us to make all these improvements and changes without increasing a tax. As for wage inequality I do believe there are some fairly extreme gaps but at the same time we cannot make everyone’s pay equal…we have different skills, educations and work in different trades so we cannot expect to all make the same amount.

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