I picked a book

By | February 21, 2015

I picked a book to read for the class.  It’s “What’s the Economy For, Anyway?: Why It’s Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness”What's the Economy For, Anyway?: Why It's Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness

So why did I pick it?  Well, it helps that in the intro it says it’s “funny, readable, and thought provoking”.  I’m honestly a little worried some of the books are going to be really dull reads based on how they are reviewed.  Since we get to chose the books we read, I thought it would be good to pick one that captures my attention.

The second reason?  That’s because looking at the reviews, it also seems to have really strong content.  It’s not a choice of entertainment value over content, from what I”m reading, this seems to have both.  With any luck, I’ll be posting that I made the right choice in the near future.

Category: blogs compsys students

About graha4

So, a little about me eh?  Born and raised in a little U.P. town on the east end of Lake Superior, I moved down to the Lansing area about 10 years ago to work in Call Center Workforce Management.  It's fairly specialized work, and because of that, my job level has outpaced my education, so it's time to balance that back out.  Would you like to know more?  Just ask.

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