Agriculture and FOOD INC.

By | April 21, 2015

I would like to say that coming from the field of agriculture Food INC. is not a fair interpretations of the industry. You are watching a very biased film that is finding the ‘bad apples’ in agriculture and then making them appear to be the norm. They are very much not the norm.

Agriculture has changed throughout the years and will continue to. However, farms…including large scale farms that they like to coin as ‘factory farms’ are going to be necessary in order to feed a growing nation. I work on a 450 cow dairy farm. My partner is a manager at a poultry farm, this farm produces eggs for several large chains. Both farms are family owned. Both farms care about the animals and the safety of the product they are producing. They are just doing it at a larger scale that their parents would have.

Just had to throw that out there. In college we all watched Food Inc. if we were in agriculture programs and it is a very biased viewpoint with a very limited parameter.

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