
By | March 27, 2015

Regarding my previous post, I would like to point out my true, undying hatred for those lazy slackers out there who exploit such graces and go around collecting money while wasting away in their own filth. The saddest part of it all is the fact that it is impossible for the government to check each person individually one by one to make sure they’re valid for it for unemployment. The are some wastes of meat out there who would happily live off soc security and it disgusts me to the core, because slothfulness is a horrid and common sin. If someone asks for a job and shows any sign of being a leech, give them the job so they cant get hand outs, kill off the laziness one job at a time I say.

One thought on “Abusers

  1. stolikes

    There may be a lot of people out there that abuse the system, but it is not necessarily fair to hold everyone who needs assistance accountable for a few peoples disregard for the system. It reminds me of a few months back when Florida started doing drug testing for people on welfare. From what I remembered, the plan completely backfired, and just because people needed help, it wasn’t necessarily due to them being drug abusers. Just because people need help doesn’t necessarily mean that they are lazy, or drug abusers. From my experiences, the more physical a job is, the lower the compensation is.

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