Author Archives: scottf2

Book review

The book, Deep Economy: The wealth of communities and the durable future, is more namely about the weath of not just the economy as a whole, monetarily, but talks more about the wealth of being a happy, satisfied society leading towards better lives and a better future. Upon pointing out and making statements on how […]

Sustained future

While I may point out the fact, every civilization has had its rise and fall, and I fear that trend wont truly end, but will be delayed. All good things will come to an end eventually, even us, but I will say that we have managed to sustain and maintain our current lifestyle and way […]


Production of things like food, water, energy, etc, all and any needs, those are the jobs that will be there to stay because as humans, living beings, we have needs, and those needs need to be filled in one way or another, and while some things are usually just convienences or luxuries, recent employments and […]

Future production- Advertisement

We all know adds, we love very few of them, hate waiting for them to finish so we can get back to our video, mobile game, etc, but those adds play a bigger role than ya think. The owners of these adds are most always big companies or companies big enough to pay for advertisements. […]

The goal

It is hard to decipher exactly what the goal is for the economy, but I’ve always believe it is there to keep order, to give some kind of rhyme and reason to life, to somewhat simplify everything, because face it, a farmer won’t have time to go n build a car in time, make all […]

Balancing everything out

I don’t care if im starting to sound like a broken record when I say this, but i’ll keep saying it so everyone knows it, and its that, “Balance is key!” I Understand wanting to be payed more for certain jobs, and how some jobs don’t yearn nearly as much, but in all these numbers […]

Past income

In my younger, more naïve years, I always thought that the main reason things like gas rose in price was due to scarcity, or for food was because it was  harder to make, etc, but now I understand that the bigger story has to do with how much people get paid. its simple give take […]

Future income inequality

As for the posts I made today, this is the first for unit 7, the others were mistakenly made for 8. This subject is timed quite well given in one of my other classes, I have a group project and our topic is minimum wage and how it being raised has many down sides basically. […]


Well… my bad, but I read the readings wrong and posted my unit 8 posts instead, oops… well, I guess i’m just gonna have hop on those unit 7 posts… crap…

Any suggestions

I’m fairly new to college and this certainly wont be my last economically related class, but if there are any out there who have taken quite a few in their time, I’d appreciate any such recommendations for classes, teachers, etc, for future reference, figured others would look at this post and get some ideas as […]