Unit 4: One More Post on Rosling, Gapminder, and Myths

By | March 6, 2015

A couple days ago, I posted about Hans Rosling and the Gapminder.org project.  One of Rosling’s weapons to help poor nations and poor people is hard data. He uses it to change the widespread ignorance and myths about population, birth rates, development, health, etc.  He’s a better showman than I am writer, so I’ll let him tell the story in this 1 hour documentary here:

Update:  The previous video that was embedded here has been removed from its original source.  I’ve found an alternative but I cannot embed the video.  Please go to


to watch for yourself.

In this show he refers to the ignorance Americans and other developed nation residents such as Brits and others have about the facts. He’s referring to a survey done of Americans. Here are the results. You may be surprised. (disclaimer: although I knew a lot of this, there were things I learned and had wrong too). You can either roll your mouse over it and click on the “pop-out” arrow in upper right or use your mouse to drag the scroll bar downwards to view the slides.