Maddison book

By | February 9, 2015

In my frenzy to meet my deadlines, I somehow managed to read the pages. I don’t want to miss the grade on this so i’ll make my input quick. I took most interest into the first part involving our per capita income and how our nation has prospered and diminished from time to time. looking back on history, something I do so I don’t repeat it, I look at older civilizations, leaders, their ways of life if logged and in doing so, there were some things I could point out. noticing the history of some civilizations even ours and in the animal kingdom, it’s a notable fact that each next generation of leaders seems to never really be able to stand as tall as their predecessors in their successes, and in the process, leaving a deteriorating line of leaders that dwindle from flawless to heavily flawed. sure there are breaks in these chains and we are blessed with a great second coming or whatever, but it’s only a matter of time till the king steps down and his lesser takes the throne with a shorter mane.

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